Crew Neck

Four UX Questions

What I need to know

It’s all very well to have an idea and immediately become enthusiastic about it but you also need to know if all this effort will be worth it. In other words, is this new project that you’re working on going to be of use? Answering the following four questions is a great way to validate your project.

Available for download here.

1. What problem am I solving?

During debates between two sets of supporters, a lot of the time in order for an argument to be resolved they might have to trawl the internet for specific stats. This app will solve this problem by collating it all in one place.

2. Who is the ideal user?

Specifically, the average football fan who enjoys a healthy debate about their favourite sport. In a broader sense, this idea could be applied to fans of any sport where one team or individual faces off against another.

3. What does the user want to use it for?

This is an easy one. Mainly a football fan looking for some ammunition to use in a friendly debate between a supporter of another football team. They may also simply becurious about the stats and information in general.

4. What will I also want the user to use it for?

Media publications will be able to place their content in the ‘Classic Moments’ section which will link out to their websites. This content would be relevant to the other information on the page and would be of value to the user viewing it.


1. What problem am I solving?

During debates between two sets of supporters, a lot of the time in order for an argument to be resolved they might have to trawl the internet for specific stats. This app will solve this problem by collating it all in one place.

2. Who is the ideal user?

Specifically, the average football fan who enjoys a healthy debate about their favourite sport. In a broader sense, this idea could be applied to fans of any sport where one team or individual faces off against another.

3. What does the user want to use it for?

This is an easy one. Mainly a football fan looking for some ammunition to use in a friendly debate between a supporter of another football team. They may also simply becurious about the stats and information in general.

4. What will I also want the user to use it for?

Media publications will be able to place their content in the ‘Classic Moments’ section which will link out to their websites. This content would be relevant to the other information on the page and would be of value to the user viewing it.

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